Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Introducing WebStraction's Tips 4 BlogSpot

Tips 4 Blogspot NewsI have seen numerous tip sites on the Internet for Blogger, some of which are pretty bad. There are a few pearls in there however. Inevitably though, they all have one thing in common -- they deal with the new and improved Blogger which is now hosted on

Having my original Blogger account self-hosted for my WebDev Blog at WebStractions (eg: the old Classic style) a lot of the tips I saw was all Greek to me. I had no clue as to what they were talking about when it came to editing your layout or inserting widgets. I come to find that the terms are new and apply to the way Blogger is now handling the template for the blog.

Ultimately I had to get myself one of these new fangdangled blogs to play around with. So far it is has been a pleasant experience and relatively easy to work with. What was more exciting was that nobody had claimed my main domain name (Webstractions) as their own.

Anyhow, I will be dedicating this site to my exploration of the new Blogger and hopefully provide some pearls of wisdom for all of you out there in Blogsville. And if there are any of you who are actually still hosting their original Classic Blogger account, drop me line so I know I am not the only one out there.


Ronnie T. Dodger said...

Am I talking to myself?

No, the other guy in my head is! Take it up with him.

Ronnie T. Dodger said...

Ultimately I had to get myself one of these new fangdangled blogs to play around with. So far it is has been a pleasant experience and relatively easy to work with. What was more exciting was that nobody had claimed my main domain name (Webstractions) as their own.

Ultimately I had to get myself one of these new fangdangled blogs to play around with. So far it is has been a pleasant experience and relatively easy to work with. What was more exciting was that nobody had claimed my main domain name (Webstractions) as their own.

MoonDanzer said...

Well, what do you do if all of a sudden you hit customize and then Walaaa your screen flickers and you have been redirected to some foriegn place(I think it was the old blogger) because I lost my Layout option. Then you spend hours trying to re-upload your backed up template, but, this new format won't except it because of the widgets. After hrs. I finally had to delete and then rename and start all over. However, I still cannot add page elements. And what was once a faily descent looking site in honor of my son-in-law and protesting the now a disaster. And, Blogger seems to be located somewhere on Mars because I certainly can't find them. Now everything is a labels, my adsense is gone and I can't get it back in. They literally destroyed what was my dream to honor and reflect his should see the mess now. Thanks for listening

Ronnie T. Dodger said...

@moondanzer - I commented to you on your site here.

Windyridge said...

This is an awesome blog. How do you get the "subscribe to posts" function added to a blogspot blog? I'd like to do that as I build up traffic (I hope!)

Anonymous said...

I have a few mates who use Blogspot, I'll forward them your link. Thanks buddy.